During the consultation, I try to deal with the problems of children and adults with a complex integrative approach.
I met complementary medicine at the end of my university studies. Since then, it has accompanied my path. The modern Western medicine and the complementary methods can be well connected and complement each other in an integrative healing art.
This justifies the scientifically founded competence and the individual holistic approach. Integration is made possible for me through anthroposophic medicine. Thus, traditional Chinese medicine, individual and group psychotherapeutic methods (biography work, psychodrama, KIP, NLP, etc.) are combined in my work.
I learnded and worked for 12 years in Switzerland and in Germany in clinics for infants, children and adults. Since 2003 I lead my private practice in Hungary. Since 2009 I lead the anthroposophic-medical and therapeutic education accredited at the university.
Since September 2017 I lead the Department of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs
Anthroposophic physician Hungary
Anthroposophic physician international
Asthma trainer
Eczema trainer
Certification pediatrician
Doctor for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ph.D. MD Henrik Szőke
Aikido instructor 3. dan (Aikikai)
Anthroposophic physician
Doctor for Traditional Chinese Medicine
Psychodrama leader
KIP and NLP therapist (psychological methods)
Asthma and eczema trainer